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Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Ex Minister Kidnapped in Bamenda and 15 University of Buea Football Team Players Also Kidnapped

Demonstrations in the city of Bamenda.
At least 15 University of Buea Football team players were kidnapped today the 20th Mars, 2019 who were going for training in view of the upcoming university games.

The University of Buea is a host to over 15,000 students, both national and international students. Due to the escalation of the Anglophone crisis, Many students have flee to different universities across the country while others abroad.

Under a very tensed atmosphere in Buea one could not expect these students to go out for training. The ex-secretary of state, Emmanuel Ngafeeson was also kidnapped today in Bamenda.

For now, no body has claimed the kidnapping. Emmanuel Ngafeeson who has once been the secretary of state and the Keeper of the Seal at the ministry of Justice was kidnapped in his home in Ntabessi, Bamenda.

This kidnapping is just after that of the coach of Yong Sport Academy of Bamenda, Emmanuel Ndoumbe Boss who was finally released.

Kidnappings are daily in the English speaking Regions of Cameroon since late 2017 till date. The international community is urging the government of Cameroon to seek for long lasting solutions that could end this crisis and for the citizens of the English speaking Regions to gain back their daily life activities.

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