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Thursday, 14 February 2019

[Hot News]Yaounde On Flames After The Dead Of A Bike Rider

Burn't council car and a bike at Elig-Edzoa, Yaounde-Cameroon.
Early this morning there was a fierce battle at Elig Edzoa and Elig-Esono precisely at CEPER street in Yaounde between the council police and a bike riders. Information from the battle ground says that bike riders decided to revenge on behalf of their colleague who was violently abused to dead on his Bike by a the Yaounde 1 council police.

The scene that took place at Elig-Edzo took place precisely at "SHELL Elig-Edzoa where a vehicle and a bike of the council agents of the Yaounde 1 subdivision was razed into ashes by the bike riders as shown on the images.

At Elig-Esono on a street called rue CEPER towards the council building from Province, a group of Bike riders was manifesting. Here many taxis were vandalized. Hundreds of "bikemen" from Etoudi joined their colleague.

Circulation was blocked from 9:00 to about 11:00. Apart from the dead bike man, many casualties were recorded.
200m from the scene at Elig-Edzoa.
Interview: unanimous when asked why?

"These untrained council agents are always in need of money. They will ask your documents and when you present them they strike other motives so that money is extorted from their prey. They make life unbearable for us".

 Two weeks ago the council police was also attacked in the central town by commercial traders still complaining of harassment. "the streets are unfair when these guys are around" bike rider.

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