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Exchange your Cryptocurrency or digital currency for each other. |
Here there is no need doubting where to buy a currency. Simply convert your LitCoin or Paypal or Payeer e.t.c to Bitcoin or Bitcoin to other currencies in a few minutes.

How to Exchange Currencies On Change.am
Click here www.echange.am and on your right, if you have for example LitCoin and you want to change it to BTC, click the litcoin on your left and on your right click the currency you want to receive the money in. A new page will appear asking the amount you want to send to your selected currency.
Enter the amount. A space will pop-up asking you to enter the account. Firstly the money will be sent to Change.am website as you click Make Payment after entering the details of your account.
You will redirected to your account for the confirmation of the payment. Please just confirm and wait for your money to drop in the currency you have chosen. It can take up to 30 minutes for verification and confirmation.
Currencies That Can Be Exchange For Each Other
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Paypal, Cash USD, Cash AMD, LitCoin, Perfect Money, Idram AMD, AdvCash, Payeer, Epay USD, ExMo USD, LiveCoin USD, Bitcoin Cash, Tether USDT, Dash DASH, Visa/MasterCard RUB, Yandex.Money RUB, Webmoney USD, TBC Bank USD, Bankwire/swift USD, Internal Currency USD.
You can also make money if you decide to join their affiliate program. As people exchange currencies or join the site through your link, you also make huge sums of money. Please click the link below and signup, then click "affiliate" on the menu, copy your link and share it on social media, blog posts and websites.
You can EXCHANGE YOUR CURRENCY now. Very fast and reliable.
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