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Thursday, 25 April 2019

First Lesson On Forex Trading By CMRFOREX

Welcome to the world of Forex Trading. Today you are going to learn the following topics about Forex Trading. Note that this training am giving you for free here cost more than $500 and at the end, please share it on all social platforms. I know you wanna be independent rather than losing money to fake Ponzi schemes.

Here we go;

Forex simply means foreign exchange. Forex is the largest market in the world with a total daily liquidity of $6.8 Trillion dollars. It is larger than the New York Stock Exchange market and Cryptomarket combined.

Yesterday 6th Sept. 2022, the cryptomarket value was $6.8 Trillion, according to Coinmarketcap. The statistics are online. You can as well search for more details. This is just to show the liquidity of the Forex market and how large it is. This is a brief intro which i think we will continue to see more as were read.


It is not obviously a market we buy and sell shoes, clothes, bags and popcorn e.t.c . In Forex Market, we trade currency pairs like the ones listed here; US Dollar=USD, EURO=EUR, POUNDS=GBP, AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS=AUD, JAP YEN=JPY, SWISS FRANCS=CHF, NEW ZEALAND DOLLARS =NZD e.t.c... Apart from currencies which is the most traded, commodities like precious metals, sports, oil are on the line.

Two currencies are traded against each other. For example you can trade YEN against Dollars which means Yen will either rise or fall against Dollars or Cfa against Dollars. (real demonstrations are coming up as you read)


These are firms that gives you access to the FOREX Market by providing a trading account for you. They give traders what we call Leverage.( You will see it soon). They also provide support functions to the traders. There are various Brokers in the Forex Market like; Hotforex, Fxtm, Fxcm, Fbs, LiteForex and many others...


Now we have started penetrating into the real roots of Forex Trading so open your brain now. You need to know the Forex Market. There are various Trading Times and Trading Sessions in Forex. They include; SYDNEY SESSION, TOKYO SESSION, LONDON SESSION, FRANKFURT SESSION, NEWYORK SESSION. Sessions names are derived from the cities where most transactions are done. E.g SYDNEY rep Australia and other countries around the time zone and the others as well.

Forex is actually 24 hrs market that's why it is regarded as the market that never sleeps except on weekends. Nor matter where you find yourself on earth, or on any time zone you can trade.

Lets talk now of the trading times; SYDNEY SESSION opens by 9 PM GMT, Tokyo Session opens by 11 PM GMT, London Session opens by 7AM GMT, Frankfurt Session opens by 8AM GMT and the New York Session opens by 1PM GMT. So almost the whole of West African countries' time zone should be that of London. Not that if its not open, you can't trade. For the rest of the world, use your time zone and the corresponding Session above.

All Sessions last for 9 hrs so just add 9 hrs to their opening Times to when they will close.
Please, one important thing to note here... Many Forex Traders don't actually understand this because they were not taught. Its good to trade when two Markets are open at the same time i.e when 2 Sessions are open.

This is because volatility is always more when 2 or more Sessions are open. In Forex Market, more volatility means more money. So as a Forex trader, you won't wanna trade in a quiet market because there won't be fluctuations and its movements that makes money for you the trader.

You will understand this soon. E.g by 8 AM GMT, London Session and Frankfurt would be open and in fact Tokyo will soon join and volatility will be the order of the day. So always time your trading between 2 sessions. An edge in the market.

You must have heard about Forex before I' am aware though you may not know how to trade the market. Hey some of your friends keep the secret to themselves. They would rather help you out on their nice cars, buy you hot drinks.
Share with Friends and family on Whatsapp groups. I share because I love you all. God bless.


To go Long means to Buy.
To go Short Means to Sell. What we are doing in Forex is buying and selling.
Bullish Market means the market is going upward.
Bearish Market means the market is going down
Ranging is when a market does not have any particular direction. It’s neither moving upward or downward.
Trending... the market has a direction, its either moving downward or upward. So people will say the market is trending upward or downward.

Hawkish refers to the Central Bank Governor or personnel of a country. They tend to be liberal on the interest rate and are willing to increase it.
 Dovish is simply the opposite of Hawkish because they are very restrictive and they do not want to temper with the interest rate and this is bad news for investors.
Currency pairs have names e.g Dollar is called Greenback, the Pound is called the Cable, the New Zeal Dollar is called kiwi, the Australian Dollars is called Aussie e.t.c...
Our tomorrow's topic shall be,

Please send your payment to 237675421156 on mobile money and request a receipt. 
Rooney N.
Cameroon Online School of Forex- CMRFOREX
Your Forex teacher the CmrKingofpips.


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kabir said...

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Unknown said...

I must confess that your notes are really simplified, understanding and admirable.i thank cmrforex for this opportunity for me coz it's of great help for me now to know how to trade on my own @mr Rooney God bless your hustle

Unknown said...

I'm so happy to be part of this training in the hope that I will never be broke again at the end of this training. May God Kindy bless you abundantly for changing lives positively with this source of income. You're honourable and the sky is too short to be your limit 🙏

Rooney N said...

Thank you very much. May God bless you as we continue our wealth journey. 🇨🇲kingofpips

Rooney N said...

Thank you very much. May God continue to show us the way.

Itz kenzo said...

I greatly appreciate and also interested in such trade.

Unknown said...

Am greatful with knowledge aquried so far about forex market, which to know more, and also continue with the classes

Unknown said...

Thanks very much. , first idea gotten

Unknown said...

Thanks for the idea proff ...your work is perfect

Unknown said...

Thanks for the explicit write-up sir. I am just confused on the time zones cause far up you said London session opens at 7am and Frankfurt at 8am but down a little where you advise that it is good to trade when two or more sessions are open, you talk now of London session opening at 7pm and Frankfurt 8pm instead of the "am" you mentioned above. Pls just wish to be clearified there sir.

Chenwi said...

Very relevant, great write-up Ronny

Rooney N said...

Sorry it's 7 and 8 am. Thanks for that sir.

Rooney N said...

Thanks a lot Chenwi

Unknown said...

That is good

Unknown said...

I am so excited to be part of this training. You are so amazing, with you sir I believe we can have financial freedom. Thanks once more

Anonymous said...

Welcome to The Trading Group

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